Does anyone have their eyes glued together in the morning even though you cleaned them during the night?

Fibromyalgia, a chronic pain based syndrome that affects patient’s tendon, muscle, and skeletal functions today, can actually work its way into the eye, creating what are known as fibromyalgia eye problems. When we think of fibromyalgia, we don’t need to think of the sensory organs, instead focusing on the discomfort that comes with movement and activity. Fibromyalgia Eye Problems Did you know that the eye relies on six main muscles to control its movement today? Yes, your eyes don’t move on their own. Since this condition impacts our nervous system,…

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16 Things People with Fibromyalgia Need to Stop Doing

Welcome! It looks like you might be new here, so I wanted to take a moment to tell you a little about me and my blog. My name is Julie Ryan and I live with Fibromyalgia. I’ve chosen to live positively, to fight back with diet and lifestyle changes and it’s made a huge difference for me. The difference between living all my days in bed, and actually LIVING. I hope you’ll keep reading and subscribe to my Newsletter to make sure you don’t miss a post. Thanks for visiting!*BTW, just a heads…

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What are the Early Signs of Fibromyalgia?

“Fibromyalgia is a chronic condiion that causes widespread pain around the body. This stems from an issue associated with how the nervous system processes pain signals.Fibromyalgia also causes symptoms such as tiredness, depression, & mental fog.Doctors may not immediately consider fibromyalgia when evaluating these types of symptoms, because pain is also common with many other conditions. That’s one reason why it takes an average of five years for people with this disorder to get diagnosed” [1], & why it is absolutely crucial to consult an Experienced Pain Specialist Making a Record…

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Most Common Signs of Fibromyalgia

By Emily Lockhart Medically Reviewedby Dr. Gerald Morris Table of Contents Listen to article Causing widespread pain to an estimated 4 million people in the United States, fibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal disorder that amplifies the way the brain processes pain, often leaving the body’s pain receptors in hyperdrive. The condition causes widespread pain—and in turn fatigue, sleep deprivation, and depression—and typically begins following some type of severe physical trauma, such as an accident, surgery, or massive psychological stress. Fibromyalgia patients complain of a myriad of symptoms associated with pain throughout the entire body. Here…

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What Are They and Do They Work? Ear Seeds:

Ear seeds are everywhere these days. And though the name may call to mind visions of flowering plants sprouting from your earlobes, they’re actually a form of acupressure, which targets acupuncture points without using needles. So what can these tiny but mighty acupressure tools do for you? Acupuncturist Thuy Kim Nguyen, DAOM, LAc​, explains what ear seeds are, what they do and how to use them for the most benefit. What are ear seeds? Based in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), ear seeds are a form of auriculotherapy, which uses acupressure points in the…

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What Is Major Depressive Disorder?

By Jenn Sinrich   Medically reviewed by Lindsay Cook, PharmDPrint  Table of Contents Depression is a common and serious mood disorder that impacts the way an individual feels, thinks, and acts on a daily basis. It also goes by the name major depressive disorder (MDD), or clinical depression. Someone who is depressed may experience a lack of interest and excitement in everyday activities that they once enjoyed, and the overall emotional toll that depression can take on a person’s wellbeing can lead to emotional, physical, and mental issues that can impact nearly every facet…

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What to Eat When You Have Fibromyalgia

Dietary Recommendations for Better Management By Adrienne Dellwo  Table of Contents Fibromyalgia can be difficult to manage, but there is evidence that certain dietary changes can benefit people living with this chronic pain disorder. What exactly might help can differ from person to person, but some have reported improvement with increased intake of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids and decreased consumption of food allergens and gluten. Although research supporting the use of diet in fibromyalgia is of low quality overall, a 2019 review published in the Annals of Medicine reported that diet rendered positive results in five of…

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What Are the Symptoms of Fibromyalgia?

You’ve been feeling run down lately. Tired, achy, everything hurts. You can’t concentrate. You can’t sleep. You don’t feel like… you. It’s like you have the flu, but you don’t have a fever and you’re not getting better. Your doctor says nothing seems to be wrong, but the symptoms persist. What’s happening? It’s possible that it could be fibromyalgia, a chronic pain disorder. Here’s how to recognize the red flags of this condition, and where to get help. Basics Refresh: What Is Fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia (sometimes shortened to just “fibro”) is a…

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What’s The Difference With Fibromyalgia and Lupus ?

By Adrienne Dellwo  Table of Contents Pain. Fatigue. Malaise. These symptoms are just part of life when you have fibromyalgia (FMS) or lupus. When you have both fibromyalgia and lupus, you get a double helping of those symptoms, in addition to the other symptoms of both conditions. FMS and lupus are both hard to diagnose, and because their primary symptoms can be very similar, people with FMS are sometimes misdiagnosed as having lupus, and vice versa. A sizable number of people have both conditions, which complicates diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, it’s important for those with FMS…

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Autoimmunity and Neuroinflammation in Fibromyalgia

By Adrienne Dellwo  Table of Contents Fibromyalgia (FM) may be an autoimmune disease, where your immune system attacks healthy cells by mistake. For years, the evidence seemed to point away from that. This issue is still far from decided, but opinion may be swaying back toward autoimmunity. Some research suggests FM may be an autoimmune disease involving neuroinflammation, an inflammatory response within the brain and spinal cord, and small-fiber neuropathy, which is weakness and pain from nerve damage.1 That hypothesis isn’t getting widespread acceptance in the medical community, though. This article looks at what…

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