People with fibromyalgia take longer to fall asleep, to sleep less and less. search

People with fibromyalgia have more difficulties

falling asleep, the quality of sleep is worse and the amount less,

compared to the general population, second

Researchers have drawn the attention of  physicians specializing in sleep disorders in fibromyalgia patients, since better sleep can help improve the symptoms of the disease.

The study, “Sleep Disorders in Fibromyalgia: A Meta-analysis, Case Studies and Controls”, published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research, examined several previously published studies of the sleep disorder reporting report for fibromyalgia development . 
The benefits of a good night’s sleep have a positive impact on the physical and mental health of all people. 
According to the researchers, poor sleep affects almost 80% of patients with fibromyalgia and studies have shown that poor sleep quality is a risk factor for fibromyalgia. 
In fact, poor sleep is strongly associated with the severity of symptoms, the fewer patients sleep, the worse their symptoms will be.

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Clinical trials with drugs have shown that improving sleep quality can reduce pain in patients with fibromyalgia.

To understand the characteristics of sleep disorders, and its effect on patients with fibromyalgia, the researchers examined 25 studies of fibromyalgia and healthy controls, with a total of 2,086 participants, which was evaluated by sleep polysomnography (19 studies) and the Pittsburgh sleep quality index (seven studies). 
Studies that evaluated sleep with polysomnography reported significant differences between patients with fibromyalgia and healthy individuals after waking after sleep onset, total sleep time and sleep efficiency, among other parameters.
Studies evaluating sleep, with the Pittsburgh sleep quality index, reported significant differences in overall scores, the period between sleeping attempts and the start of sleep and sleep quality, between the two groups of participants. 
According to this review, this may be because fibromyalgia patients have difficulty sleeping, they have lower sleep quality and lower sleep efficiency, longer wake before falling asleep, shorter sleep duration and light sleep.

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“Clinical trials have shown that improving the quality of

Sleep can reduce pain in fibromyalgia patients “,

the researchers wrote.

“As a result, primary care providers must be informed of the results of this study and should be evaluated taking the initiative, the risk of sleep disorders in patients complaining of chronic widespread pain, or considering the diagnosis of fibromyalgia in these patients .

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