Fibromyalgia Treatment Is a Real Gas

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor Immersing fibromyalgia patients in high levels of oxygen is more effective at treating their pain and other symptoms than two medications commonly prescribed for the disorder, according to a new study. Researchers at Tel Aviv University have been studying hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) for years as a possible treatment for fibromyalgia, a poorly understood condition characterized by widespread body pain, headaches, fatigue, depression and insomnia.   Hyperbaric medicine is a form of treatment in which patients stay in a pressurized chamber and breathe 100% oxygen…

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An effective and safe treatment for fibromyalgia

Treatment for fibromyalgia in Western medicine is palliative. Once someone is diagnosed with fibromyalgia, the next step is finding a treatment plan to help manage symptoms. Treatment of fibromyalgia will often involve a combination of treatment options. It may take some time and experimentation, but relief from symptoms is possible if you find what works for you and stick with it. A medical professional will be able to recommend the best treatment for fibromyalgia, but here are some of the most common treatments for fibromyalgia: Therapy: an effective and safe treatment for fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia…

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