Cognitive Decline Symptoms in Young and Older Adults

By Mark Gurarie   Medically reviewed by Smita Patel, DOPrint  Table of Contents Cognitive decline—or cognitive impairment—is a reduction in the ability to remember, reason, learn, and pay attention. While some loss of these thinking skills is a normal part of aging, cognitive decline is when the loss is worse than expected for your age.1 Noticeable cognitive decline is most common in people older than 70, though younger adults are susceptible, too, as a number of neurological and psychological conditions cause this condition.2 This article breaks down the signs of cognitive decline, how it progresses,…

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Fibro Fog and ME/CFS Brain Fog

Concentration and memory issues can result from fibromyalgia and ME/CFS By Adrienne Dellwo   Medically reviewed by David Ozeri, MDPrint  Table of Contents People with fibromyalgia or myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) experience a specific kind of cognitive dysfunction called fibro fog or brain fog. It involves: Some researchers suspect that pain, fatigue, and the need to constantly monitor your symptoms may prevent you from effectively directing your attention to things outside of yourself.1 This article explains ME/CFS and fibromyalgia brain fog, the mechanisms behind them, and how medications and other treatments can help clear the fog. Symptoms…

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Natural remedies for fibromyalgia

Natural remedies for fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is a complex disorder that causes pain, tenderness, and fatigue in the muscles of specific parts of the body, including the neck, shoulders, back, hips, arms, and legs. The pain occurs when someone puts pressure on the affected areas. Doctors do not fully understand what causes fibromyalgia. Anyone can develop it, but it appears to be more common in women during middle age and in people with a history of rheumatoid arthritis or another autoimmune disease. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that fibromyalgia affects…

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6 Stages of Fibromyalgia I have 3 Stage What is your Stage?

6 Stages of Fibromyalgia Stage 1 You started experiencing pain and fatigue more than before, you’re not sure what is going on but you hurt and you are tired. You can hold a job, you can make it through your day, but you know something isn’t right… so it’s something you’re going to start researching. Stage 2 You are in pain a lot, sometimes taking an anti-inflammatory drug or what have you. You do not get much relief, and you have accepted the fact this is something you are going…

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Last Stage Of fibromyalgia wht is Your Stage?

Millions of people have fibromyalgia around the world. The symptoms of this condition include hyperalgesia, widespread muscle pain and fatigue, allodynia, neuropathic pain, headaches, digestive pain, and pelvic pain. A common symptom of fibromyalgia is widespread pain throughout the body. Pain can manifest in different ways and at different intensities. According to research, there are 7 stages of fibromyalgia and 8 types of pain. In this blog post, we’ll explore each of the 7 stages, including the warning signs, symptoms, and 8 pain management techniques. People with fibromyalgia can better…

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Gabapentin for Fibromyalgia How It Works

Gabapentin is often prescribed as an off-label treatment for fibromyalgia. Also sold under brand names Neurontin, Horizant, and Gralise, gabapentin works to balance the neurotransmitters glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Fibromyalgia is believed to be caused in part by altered glutamate levels. Research on gabapentin for fibromyalgia is mixed, but some people find it helps to relieve symptoms like widespread pain and insomnia. This article discusses gabapentin for fibromyalgia, including dosage and side effects. What Is Gabapentin? Gabapentin is somewhat commonly prescribed as a fibromyalgia treatment, however, it is not approved by the Food…

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I’m not sick. I have Fibromyalgia.

The struggle with Fibromyalgia is that everyday it’s something new. My everyday is a constant battle on an all-terrain track; full of dangers, no idea where I’m going or what I’ll hit next. I’m in an infinity roundabout of symptoms. Every obstacle is calculated to avoid risk but the outcome is never predictable no matter how hard I try. The variables don’t matter. There are over 100 symptoms of Fibromyalgia including: For me, I struggle with pain and fatigue Every. Single. Day. That’s not just a little headache or I’m…

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4 Habits of Emotionally Strong People ,

Most people hear the term emotionally strong and assume that it means the ability to ignore your emotions or not feel them. But that’s dead wrong… Emotional strength isn’t about getting rid of difficult feelings — it means you know how to respond to them in a healthy way. For example: Of course, it’s hard work to cultivate a healthier relationship with your emotions — one that allows you to be resilient and strong in the face of painful feelings instead of fragile. But it is possible. And the most effective way…

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How I Cured 30 Years of Knee Pain (in 30 Days) With One Simple Exercise

“Ah, it’s ok. You go ahead, I’ll catch up.” This was me, for the majority of my life. Chronic knee pain stopped me from enjoying many fun aspects of life. Hiking, team sports, and as I got older, even stairs would spark a symphony of cracks and pops. Luckily, this story has a happy ending. Here’s how I bulletproofed my knees, hips, and ankles, for free, with one simple exercise practiced a few times per week. You don’t have bad knees. Today, chronic knee pain is a way of life for 25% of…

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Brain activity predicts chronic pain

At a Glance This X-ray shows two recording devices implanted in the shoulders and recording electrodes placed in the brain. Dr. Prasad Shirvalkar, UCSF Chronic pain—pain that lasts for more than three months—is a major cause of disability. Some types of chronic pain are difficult to treat and lead to considerable suffering. Pain is often measured by patients’ subjective reports. A lack of objective measures for chronic pain hinders the development of better ways to diagnose and treat it. Previous work to develop objective pain measures has looked at brain activity…

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