4 Habits of Emotionally Strong People ,

Most people hear the term emotionally strong and assume that it means the ability to ignore your emotions or not feel them. But that’s dead wrong… Emotional strength isn’t about getting rid of difficult feelings — it means you know how to respond to them in a healthy way. For example: Of course, it’s hard work to cultivate a healthier relationship with your emotions — one that allows you to be resilient and strong in the face of painful feelings instead of fragile. But it is possible. And the most effective way…

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How I Cured 30 Years of Knee Pain (in 30 Days) With One Simple Exercise

“Ah, it’s ok. You go ahead, I’ll catch up.” This was me, for the majority of my life. Chronic knee pain stopped me from enjoying many fun aspects of life. Hiking, team sports, and as I got older, even stairs would spark a symphony of cracks and pops. Luckily, this story has a happy ending. Here’s how I bulletproofed my knees, hips, and ankles, for free, with one simple exercise practiced a few times per week. You don’t have bad knees. Today, chronic knee pain is a way of life for 25% of…

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