Jeff Sessions: Chronic pain sufferers should ‘take an aspirin and tough it out’

Jeff Sessions doesn’t give a shit about the opioid epidemic. During an address at the U.S. Attorney’s office in Tampa, Florida this week, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said that people who suffer from chronic pain should simply “take an aspirin and tough it out. Sessions, whose opposition to medical marijuana is well known, attempted to tackle the subject of opioid addiction in the U.S., saying pharmaceutical companies are prescribing “too many opioids” — a sentiment that people from across the political spectrum would agree with. But Sessions’ next statement demonstrated a profound misunderstanding and…

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Please, do not roll your eyes when I tell you that I have fibromyalgia

I usually do not tell people that I have  fibromyalgia  because this admission is usually accompanied by the eye turning. Fibromyalgia is a unique disease in which many people, including doctors, believe that we are inventing it. In your mind, fibromyalgia does not exist. Everything is in our heads. We need advice, or we are looking for drugs. People who live with fibromyalgia are often treated as depressed vagus looking for opiates. A conversation with a new doctor can be like this: Doctor: “What brings you to the office today?” Patient: “I hope you can treat my…

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2 of the worst symptoms of fibromyalgia 

As we know, fibromyalgia comes with a wide variety of symptoms. The amount of symptoms can vary greatly from person to person. I would not say there was a symptom that makes it easy to live with fibromyalgia; However, I think some are not as difficult as others. One of the symptoms of fibromyalgia that I personally find most difficult to live is “fog fibro”, also known as “brain fog”: the problems of short-term memory and the lack of ability to concentrate or focus. My husband laughs when I say: “Communication was always one of…

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FIBROMYALGIA: I do not pretend to be sick, I pretend to be healthy

If you do not know me enough or if you are part of my family, sometimes you may think I was pretending to be sick. You may think that you may not be tired all the time or it is impossible for someone to live with constant pain and I wish that was the case and I, like many others, I had no experience for our family and our family. knowledge Pretending to work well every day until the brutal torture and we can only meet half of our obligations swollen…

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Doctors of fibromyalgia warn: ‘Tramadol is killing more lives than any other drug’

The tramadol prescription painkiller that hundreds of thousands of people take each day is killing more people than any other drug, including heroin and cocaine. The analgesic does not cause harm if it is taken correctly, but it becomes very dangerous when mixed with other drugs or alcohol. Last year there were 33 deaths in Northern Ireland related only to Tramadol. Among the dead was a 16-year-old girl and a 70-year-old retiree. The opioid-based medication is used to treat moderate or severe pain and should only be taken with a prescription. In 2014 it…

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What is the worst case of fibromyalgia?

What is the worst case of fibromyalgia? So, if you are diagnosed, you probably wonder how severe fibromyalgia  can become (   which could in fact be the worst case of fibromyalgia   ). Well, the good news is that your fibromyalgia will not kill you. But fibromyalgia can still seriously limit your quality of life. Fibromyalgia affects many people by giving them a constant feeling of pain and fatigue. So for people who have fibromyalgia, daily life can be very difficult. And the stories of people who have suffered from the disease decades ago are heartbreaking. In general,…

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Lady Gaga Is So Tired of People Assuming Her Fibromyalgia Isn’t Real

Lady Gaga : ‘Chronic pain is no joke’ In a recent interview with Vogue, Gaga discussed her struggle with the disorder and revealed that she is annoyed of lack of compassion from people around. Almost a year ago, Gaga shares on Twitter that she had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. In her candid interview for the October 2018 issue of Vogue, the pop star opened up further about her condition and about the misconceptions and miss understandings that inevitably follow diagnoses of fibromyalgia and other chronic illnesses. “I get so irritated with people who don’t believe…

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Lady Gaga illuminates fibromyalgia: “Chronic pain is not a joke” 

How has fibromyalgia affected one of the best-selling musical artists of the 21st century? In “Gaga: Five Foot Two,” a documentary published on Netflix this month, Lady Gaga describes the pain that has characterized her life with fibromyalgia for the past half decade. “I have pursued this pain for five years,” said Gaga. “It can still be me, and when I feel the adrenaline, my music and my fans, I can leave. But that does not mean I do not have pain. “ Between clips of essays, performances and sincere comments about…

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Courts have upheld fibromyalgia as reason for declaring permanent disability

Fibromyalgia can indeed be recognized as a valid reason for declaring permanent disability in some cases, but it largely depends on the specific circumstances and the legal and medical criteria established in a particular jurisdiction. Courts and disability determination agencies typically evaluate disability claims based on a combination of medical evidence, the impact of the condition on the individual’s ability to work, and the applicable disability laws and regulations. Here are some factors to consider: It’s important to note that disability determinations can be complex and may require legal representation…

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What Aloe Vera Does In Your Body: Why Egyptians Called It The Plant Of Immortality

Known to the Egyptians as the plant of immortality and to Native Americans as the wand of heaven, aloe vera comes with a wide array of amazing healing properties — some of which you may already know about. You might even have your own aloe vera plant in your home for those small emergencies like scrapes, cuts, and burns, but did you know that aloe vera is not only limited to topical use and is actually even more beneficial to your body when taken internally? Aloe vera contains over 200 biologically active, naturally occurring constituents which include polysaccharides, vitamins,…

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