Jeff Sessions: Chronic pain sufferers should ‘take an aspirin and tough it out’

Jeff Sessions doesn’t give a shit about the opioid epidemic. During an address at the U.S. Attorney’s office in Tampa, Florida this week, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said that people who suffer from chronic pain should simply “take an aspirin and tough it out. Sessions, whose opposition to medical marijuana is well known, attempted to tackle the subject of opioid addiction in the U.S., saying pharmaceutical companies are prescribing “too many opioids” — a sentiment that people from across the political spectrum would agree with. But Sessions’ next statement demonstrated a profound misunderstanding and…

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Please, do not roll your eyes when I tell you that I have fibromyalgia

I usually do not tell people that I have  fibromyalgia  because this admission is usually accompanied by the eye turning. Fibromyalgia is a unique disease in which many people, including doctors, believe that we are inventing it. In your mind, fibromyalgia does not exist. Everything is in our heads. We need advice, or we are looking for drugs. People who live with fibromyalgia are often treated as depressed vagus looking for opiates. A conversation with a new doctor can be like this: Doctor: “What brings you to the office today?” Patient: “I hope you can treat my…

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