16 Ways to Support a Spouse Who Has Fibromyalgia

16 Ways to Support a Spouse Who Has Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is a chronic illness that causes devastating chronic pain. With this disease, knowing how to support your spouse or loved one can be very difficult. They look the same, but you cannot touch them at times, they are exhausted, and often they are depressed. There are things you can do to help out, to give support, and to make life easier for your spouse with fibromyalgia. Things you can do: 1. Help around the house. Take over the household chores that…

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My partner has Fibromyalgia. What should I do?

Dos and Dont’s for partners of Fibromyalgia warriors Renuka Dhinakaran · Follow Published in Invisible Illness Living with Fibromyalgia is death by a thousand cuts (or that is how it feels every morning I wake up and every night I go to bed). It is a syndrome characterized by widespread, chronic pain, increased sensitivity to pressure and fatigue (even with little to no exertion). There is no known cause…

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