Costochondritis Pain from Fibromyalgia

Costochondritis pain is just one of the symptoms within Fibromyalgia. You have likely experienced it at one time or another.

This pain involves burning, stabbing, and radiating pain around the ribs and sometimes pushing up into the lower chest area.

It may not always occur as often as other symptoms such as widespread muscle pain
or nerve pain.

However, when it does occur, it can be very painful. If this is occurring more often for you, please get this checked out, as we don’t want to miss another condition. 

This pain can strike without warning and can be caused by a number of things like injury or trauma to the body and seems to occur more in people with fibromyalgia. 

We also want you to be aware of other potential conditions that cause similar symptoms but might be something all together different.

Scary Symptoms

Imagine a busy mother of three young children. We’ll call her Terry. She’s buzzing through her evening routine, getting her little ones fed, bathed, and happily tucked into bed after a long story-reading session.

As one child brushes her teeth and another chatters endlessly from the bathtub, Terry sits on the edge of the tub. She leans forward, holding a hand over the left side of her chest.

She touches her ribcage, then the center of her chest, and she winces. She’s been tender in those areas for days, and now the severe pain has her bending over in agony.

In this situation, Terry might call 911, assuming that she’s having a heart attack. She would end up in the hospital going through a series of tests, and they would tell her that there is nothing wrong with her heart.

There’s nothing wrong with her at all. More than likely, she would return home with the same pain and a big question mark about the cause.

This type of unexplained chest pain is known as costochondritis. The cartilage connecting the ribcage to the breastbone becomes inflamed, leading to pain in the chest or ribcage. In some cases, the pain may extend to the arms and other surrounding areas.

While some people experience mild pain or annoying discomfort, others experience extreme pain that is sometimes mistaken as a heart attack. In some cases, the pain is so intense that the sufferer assumes that it has to be something serious.


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